My mom gave me a wonderful Fossil Tote. I have wanted a nice tote especially for my last semester and for future jobs. I love the professional appearance of a classic black tote.
Then my Granny Betty gave me an adorable necklace from James Avery. My Dad and I gave my mom a bracelet from James Avery with the same Georgia charm for her birthday. I have been in love with it since. I was so excited when I opened the box! I think I am going to wear this pretty much everyday now.
My Aunt Jen gave me this great t-shirt! I love it one of her friends made it. Some how everyone got the message and bought me southern themed items.
Steve gave me a few books and a promise of helping me create a darkroom once we have a house. I have wanted to learn how to develop my own film. It would enable me to shoot some of my vintage cameras that do not take 35 mm film and develop at home. I have not been in an environment where it is possible for me to learn so we will create one.
Alyssa gave me an adorable necklace by Creations by Kelsey. I actually went to high school with Kelsey. She is one of the sweetest people I think you could meet. Sadly, Her shop is closing because she is now a full time Elementary School teacher. However, you can still buy the remaining items in her etsy shop. Also she gave me a wonderful cocktail shaker. I have been talking about starting to gather items for a bar cart so she read my mind.
My friend Sonya gave me this really pretty scarf! I think it is going to be great to transition into fall.
I have been on a buying binge the last two weeks. I will share what I have bought in a haul soon. Yesterday I picked up the Queen Helene Grape Seed Extract masque and the Batiste Coloured Dry Shampoo in Brunette. I hope you had a great weekend and are having a good week so far.
What fantastic presents you got - a home darkroom would be amazing wouldn't it!